International Conference on
Energy Transition and Innovations in
Green Technology


Organised By:

Madan  Mohan  Malaviya  University  of Technology, Gorakhpur (U.P)  INDIA


Asian Institute Of  Technology, Bangkok,  Thailand

  Keynote Speakers  |  Conference Brochure |  Paper Presentation Schedule |  Conference Schedule  

Registration Fee
Category Indian Authors Foreign Authors
Student Rs. 5,000 $ 75
Delegates from Academic Institution Rs. 6,000 $ 100
Industrial Delegates Rs. 8,000 $ 800
Participants Rs. 3,000 $ 50
Account Detail For Payment of Registration Fee
A/C NAME Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology
Account No: 33542824744
IFSC SBIN0002578
BANK State Bank of India MMMUT
MICR 273002005

Documents for Camera Ready Paper Submission


  • Pay Registration Fees Online-NEFT / RTGS / Wire Transfer in our SBI Bank (All authors from India/Outside India). While making online payment, authors are further requested to mention their < Paper ID> and < Author name> in Payment Remark to enable us to trace your payment in the Bank Statement. Kindly also note to add the applicable bank charges, if any, for online payment.
  • Registration fee includes conference proceedings, delegate kit, refreshment, & working lunch for all the conference days.
  • If multiple authors of the same paper are attending the conference, then at least one of the author (preferably paper presenter) has to pay the full registration fee, whereas, rest of the authors can get 40% discount. Different registration forms are required for each author.
  • Only Full-Time Students are considered under Student’s Registration. If an author is Register as Student then he/she must show/send a copy of valid Student ID.
  • Everybody, who has paid the conference fees, will receive an official receipt at the conference venue.
  • No CANCELLATION & REFUND of Registration Fee.
  • Please note that the registration fee is only for paper publication, attending the conference etc. Authors should bear all lodging and boarding expenses on their own.


  1. Manuscript Preparation – the following are general instructions for the preparation of your manuscript. More detailed information are available in the downloadable format guidelines  which you should use as a template. 
  2. Before submitting your manuscript, please thoroughly check English grammar and typographical errors. The manuscript should be written in third person, objective, formal, and impersonal style. Abstract, methodology, and results should be in the past tense as a manuscript is a report of what was done.

  3. When submitting manuscripts for possible publication in IEJ, it must be like the downloadable template/guideline provided for this journal. In general, the manuscript should be multiple-spaced (at 1.05), double column, and with font size of 10 pt, Times New Roman except table titles, figure captions and legends (Font size is 9 pt. Bold). More detailed information regarding the format can be found in the downloadable guideline.

  4. Each manuscript should be presented in the following order: Title (should not exceed 18 words), Authors, Abstract, Keyword, Main Text, Acknowledgements, Nomenclature, References, and Appendix.

  5. Contributions may take form of a standard research paper of 6000-8000 words (should not be more than 10 pages from title to appendix) in length, with tables, illustrations, and references.

  6. The Standard International System of Units (SI) should be used.

  7. All figures and tables must be provided in separate pages at the last pages of the manuscript, with all captions and labels provided. Note: these are extra sheets/pages and are not to be counted as pages of the whole paper.

  8. Illustrations (i.e., graphs, charts, drawings, photographs, sketches, and diagrams) should be submitted on a separate sheets. All illustrations are to be referred to as “Figure(s)” and should be numbered consecutively in order to which they are referred and given proper legends. Figures must already be in their assigned positions in the main text.

    • If a figure is too big to fit in a double column format, a space may just be allotted with a label of “Intentionally Left Blank for Figure _”. This is to allow you to gauge the number of pages of your paper.

    • If a figure is a chart or graph, it should be pasted in the main text (word file) in such a way that the source file (excel file) is accessible for formatting purposes;

    • Figures should be clear with all labels and legends readable.

  9. Tables should be numbered consecutively in order of which they are referred in the main text. They should also be in their assigned position in the main text.

    • If a table is too big to fit in a double column format, a space may just be allotted with a label of “Intentionally Left Blank for Table _”.

    • Never submit a table in a picture format as IEJ should be able to format the table for uniformity purposes.

    • Footnotes to tables should be typed below the table (superscript, lower case).

    • More instructions are given in the guidelines (template).

  10. Equations should be numbered (Arabic numerals) consecutively and placed in parenthesis aligned to the right.

  11. Detailed mathematical discussion, if necessary, should be placed in the appendix.

  12. IEJ follows the sequential number format for citations in the main text. All publications cited in the text should be presented in a list of full references in the Reference section as they appear in the text (not in alphabetical order). Typical examples of references are given in the guidelines. Strict compliance with the format is expected.

  13. . The manuscript should be submitted initially for review. It can uploaded in the online journal system, or sent as an email attachment. Please choose only ONE option.

  14. Manuscripts that did not follow the instructions set in the guidelines will not be given a reference number thus it will not be prioritized for the pre-screening process. The screening committee takes into consideration the authors ability to follow the guidelines and instructions. Please follow the instructions carefully. The guideline (link below) should be carefully read as it contains information on the technical requirements for papers submitted to IEJ.

  15. The results of the review along with the referee’s comments will be sent to the corresponding author in due course.

  16. Manuscripts should be submitted in MS Word format. In the last stage (after the paper is reviewed and already accepted for publication), MS Word format is required for further IEJ formatting requirements.

*Download Style Guide (use this as a template / Open in MS word only) - Word. 

*Your submission must look like this - PDF. 

*To fill-in the required Suggested Reviewer Form (powered by Google Forms) - Click Here 

Please notify and mention in your online submission entry that you have already filled-in the form. Indicate the email address that you have used to fill-up the Google Form. 


Important Note: Your paper will be excluded from the proceeding if plagiarized content is reported even after submission of final proceedings (camera ready copies). Conference organizers are not responsible for the technical quality of accepted papers on the basis of reviews obtained. No registration fee will be refunded in such cases.