Civil Engineering
The department has following full-fledged laboratories equipped with internet facility through LAN .
Geotechnical Engineering:
Static cone penetrating testing machine, universal foundation and retaining structures test facility, triaxial shear test apparatus, direct shear test apparatus, field CBR test apparatus, unconfined compressive strength test apparatus, vane shear test, consolidation test apparatus, dynamic cone penetration test apparatus, standard penetration test apparatus, plate load testing facility and pile load testing facility etc.
Environmental Engineering:
BOD test apparatus, COD test apparatus, Water hardness testing, Jackson turbidity meter etc.
Highway Engineering:
Bump integrator, flash point test apparatus, float test setup, impact test apparatus, Los angles apparatus, penetrometer, shape test apparatus, viscosity test apparatus, bitumen mix design etc.
Hydraulics & water resources engineering:
Venture-flume for determination of discharge coefficient, broad crested weir apparatus, tilting flume,wind tunnel, smoke tunnel,hydraulic model testing lab and five pressure testing machine.
GIS and Total station.
Compression testing machine, Gantry girder truss model, Le-chatlier apparatus, Sieve analysis apparatus, Slump test apparatus, Vickat apparatus and all types of covert test and mix design etc.
Computational facilities available in Civil Engineering Department:
10 PCs- with following configuration
- HP 406 G1 MT
- Edition Windows 8
- Version 1607
- OS build 14393.351
- Processor – Intel (R) Core(TM)i7-4770 CPU @ 3.4GHz
- Installed RAM- 4 GB
- System Type- 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Installed software’s
- Structural
- STAAD Pro.
- STAAD Foundation Advanced
- STAAD Global Design Code
- Bentley PowerRebar
- RAM Concept
- Water and Wastewater
- SewerGEMS
- WaterGEMS
- StormCAD
- CivilStorm
- 3D CAD Design and Modelling
- MicroStation PowerDraft
- MicroStation
- Building Information Modelling
- AECOsim Building Designer
- AECOsim Energy Simulator
- Bentley Navigator
- Bentley Connections Passport
- 3D Imaging, Point Clouds and Mapping
- Bentley Descartes
- Bentley Map Enterprise
- Bentley Point tools
- Transportation
- Bentley MXROAD V8i Suite
- Bentley PowerCivil for Country
- Offshore
- Bentley Maxsurf Enterprise
- SACS Marine Enterprise
- SACS Offshore Structure Enterprise
- List of software’s of open domain
- Octave-4.0.0
- FreeCAD-0.15.4671
- R-3.2.4-win
- basic-miktex-2.9.5872
- FreeCAD-0.15.4671
- scilab-5.5.2
Civil Engineering Department
Survey Laboratory

Concrete Laboratory

Structural Engineering Laboratory

Environmental Engineering Laboratory

Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory

Water Resuorce Engineering Laboratory